It’s Okay Not To Be Okay (Indonesian Version)

English version please click here. Karena ternyata banyak yang merespons post terakhir saya tentang kesehatan mental beberapa hari lalu, saya jadi pengen berbagi tentang pengalaman bagaimana akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menjalani psikoterapi dengan seorang psikolog di Jerman. Karena postingan ini akan panjang, saya akan bagi ke dalam beberapa bagian: Apa sebenarnya definisi „burn out“ dan…

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay (English Version)

Indonesian version please click here. I am very honored to get good responses on my last posting about mental health in the occasion of world mental health day a couple days ago. My non-Indonesian speaking friends have been asking me, why I only wrote my last post in Indonesian. Since I also want to share…

A Piece of Thought on World Mental Health Day

I remember exactly that this time around two years ago I was struggling with a burn out and a depressive episode. Being a physician myself I saw these cases almost daily. Until I experienced it on my own, I actually never realized what kind of impacts this disease has over someone, his/her life and his/her…

Occupational medicine.. work hazard?

A lot of my indonesian friends have asked me, what I actually do as an occupational consultant/physician. In this post I would like to share my experience as an occupational physician. I’ve been knowing some Indonesian MD colleagues who are interested in taking specializations in Germany, since Germany is lacking of MDs these days. A…